If you ever take a closer look at the YouTube business, it is one giant wheel of marketing and money making. This arena has a great scope for people who have good hands-on creativity along with video-making skills. The application started the monetization policies long ago in 2006 that is after a year of the application’s launch. Though the initial monetization was focused on advertising and revenue was collected through branding of popular brands and their services/products. With time, YouTube took over the trend and started converting its influential content into currency and it spread like fire in the forest. The timeline below states how YouTube emerged as an active source of income for different people associated with it.
2006 – The concept of advertising was launched on YouTube with the emergence of brand channels.
2007 – Introduction of InVideo advertisements and the big launch of YPP for monetization
2008 – Media owners gifted the analytics tool to the creators along with making YouTube an e-commerce platform.
2009 – Expansion of homepage ads format and concept of video partnership launched
2010 – YouTube mobile ads were introduced in the market.
2012 – Opened the program for all creators and advertisers which was again restricted with the partner program
2017 – The concept of 10K lifetime views under YPP emerged to monetize the content in order to protect creators.
2018 – Idea of 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers introduced among creators
2019 – Termination of commercially Unviable creators by YouTube
2021-2022 – The monetization policy and eligibility criteria were modified. Read the article to find out.
New Updates on the Monetization Policy
The most recent news on YouTube monetization started at the beginning of the year 2022. While the policies condemned earlier focused largely on content creators witnessed a sudden shift this time. The new YouTube monetization rules are rather advertiser-friendly and are supposedly hitting the content creators to the ground. The crucial point of view in the policy include:
For the Creators
Not all of those videos can be monetized. If you are a creator you must know by now that you can convert your videos into currency only if you are an eligible applicant of the YouTube Partner Program. Read the eligibility criteria below.
For the Advertisers
Advertisers are to benefit largely from the new updates on the policy. It is like a gold mine for brands. Do you know why? It is because the policies made this time are looking more advertiser-friendly. The application is bent on removing the concept of disruption-free videos making ads a mandatory feature. The brands can now choose any video in which they wish to advertise their product. The creator supposedly has no control over advertisements. This has opened doors for advertisers to target any type of audience from the largest to the smallest communities.

For the Social Media Owners
Well if you owned the company, you would think about yourself first, wouldn’t you? The YouTube company will get all the money for the advertisements displayed on the platform. You heard it right! As per the latest changes, the advertisement revenue will directly be transferred to the YouTube authorities.
Must-Have for the YouTube Partner Program!

The YouTube Partner Program has come into effect mandatorily with the new updates and along with these updates, the eligibility criteria have also undergone certain modifications. While monetization was always based on 4000 watch hours which was rather easy with the YouTube view buys and 1000 subscribers. There are a few additions made to the list of eligibility criteria. In addition, the owners have added a section for YouTube shorts monetization.
Find the list below to see if you can still earn from what you create or need a few amendments to do that.
- Mandatory 4000 watch hours in the past 12 months and 1000 subscribers (you already knew that). The only change is that YouTube is now strictly examining the authenticity of your watches and subscriptions. So if you buy YouTube views, make sure they are organic.
- Having an AdSense account from the studio which is linked to your channel or account.
- Make sure you are free from any recent community guideline strike because that might cancel your eligibility.

- Adhere to the copyright policies followed by YouTube. Duplicacy of content is a big no.

- The YPP is available in your country. Find out the countries serving this program.
When you comply with these regulations, you become eligible to apply to the YouTube Partner Program and monetize your content. Make sure you send in the applications as soon as possible because the media house takes more than a month on most accounts to check your eligibility. Also if you do not make it for the first time, you can try again after 30 days.
Positive Outcomes of YouTube Policy
- YouTube is playing fair. Every influencer is now treated equally with the whole ad idea.
- Helping the brands to reach their audience as now brands get to choose their placements.
- New policies do not entertain fake channels or growth, subtracting a lot of channels from the platform.
- A copyright update. YouTube now no longer allows repost of any videos.
Negative Outcomes of YouTube Policy
- No ad revenue for the video creators even if you come under the partner program
- Loss of disruption-free content because ads are mandatory.
- Content under the kids’ category will have separate and strict guidelines.
- Not any and every content niche will be applicable for monetization on the platform.
Clearly, the newly commenced policies will be a great business benefactor for brands and products and do a little harm to the new or small creators who have just begun but on the brighter side, these modifications will assure that only the original content with authentic growth stays in the market while the fake ones are rubbed off from the platform. The new policies and eligibility criteria are wiping away some influencers and we don’t want you to go. Make sure you fit into the criteria and give the best shot you got.