Privacy Policy

The GrabTech provides its users the security and privacy they deserve and they should enjoy and only this along with this the GrabTech do understand the concern of its users regarding the privacy and security. The information of the users is only collected by the site when they have the consent for this from the users and by the consent we mean that if the users have signed up to any of the news letters or some other similar activity. However, the users must also be aware and not only depend on the site; the users must know that the information they enter on the forums will be up for anybody who is reading so they must ensure that they have not entered any sensitive information on the site.

Automatically collected information 

Though, the site also collects some information automatically when you visit it like cookies, web beacons, and many other similar technologies too. The information like your IP address or the characteristics of your operating system or it can be information about your browser and system settings gets automatically collected by the site when visited. 

The cookies collected are the files that are used so that the information of the users could be saved on their devices. Grabtech might use the cookies as an addition to the local storage types. 

In order to manage the data that we collect the site outs tags on the site or the emails that are used. After cookies, come web beacons which are files that are used to connect web pages and the particular web server and their cookies with each other. This data might be used for counting the number of the visitors that visit the site or could also be used for scrutinizing how the users can guide through the site which will keep check on the fact that how many of the mails sent by the site have been opened or not. 

Use of the information collected automatically 

The users might wonder what exactly the site does with the information that they collect from the visitors so let us know about that too. The site uses the information collected for various purposes like – 

  1. In order to offer the products as well as the services as per the request of the users or the visitors. 
  2. The information is also used by the site Grabtech to respond to the requests, comments and the queries to provide the help. 
  3. The information is used by the site to protect or provide security against identity theft, fraud or the other illegal activities. 
  4. Another purpose to use the information is to get the legal applicable needs as well as the policies of the company. 
  5. It is also used to improve the business and also to perform the data analytics in regard to the usage of the website Grabtech. 
  6. The site is also used to provide the opportunities to get to participate in the events or programs or contests or in any other similar online activity too. 

The way by which the information is shared by the site 

Now that you know how the site might be using your information but you must be wondering about how the information is actually shared by the site. So, here are some of the reasons why the user’s information is disclosed or you can say the information is shared in the circumstances when –

  1. If it is required to prevent any sort of harm of loss which can occur to the company. 
  2. If the information is required for any law or any legal process too
  3. If the company needs the information for the analytics as well as statistical purposes or even if it is needed to provide the information to the advertisers if it is about the base’s nature 
  4. The information might be needed for some purposes of the internal businesses. 

Safeguarding of the data

The users might be thinking if their information is safe with the company or the site or not. Appropriate methods are taken to safeguard the data whether it is a technical or physical method. The company assures that data of the users is safe from the unlawful or unauthorized destruction or usage, loss or the mishandling or misuse of the data. Since the world is rapidly going online and almost every other person is techno savvy there is no guarantee of the security of the details that are being passed on online. 

The users must keep the fact in mind that Grabtech is not a site that the children can use; it is not designed in such a way. The site does not support the usage of the site by children of below 16 years old. And if by chance any child uses it and his/ her data is collected then we delete it immediately. 

How users get notified about the changes in privacy policy

We make changes in the privacy policy in a sporadic manner. We may notify our readers about the changes through a notice posted on the homepage of the website.

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