Apps For Homework

Homework is an integral assessment strategy that determines your final grade in school. That being the case, you must do your homework. But at times, homework tends to be challenging. Yes, that can be the case for you. So, what do you have to do? Today we will inform you about the best homework apps that will make your work easier.

Additionally, you can hire a nerd for homework help. They can be an alternative suppose you don’t find help from the homework apps below. So, here are the best homework applications that you should be using.

CameraMath – Homework Help

Mathematics homework can be daunting but let it not stress you as CameraMath – Homework Help is here to sort those sums for you. This mobile application is available for both Android and iOS devices.

This application uses your smartphone’s camera to capture the sums and generate accurate answers. Also, CameraMath has a free and premium plan; therefore, choosing your preferred plan is up to you.

You can get help from live tutors who help you solve math problems step-by-step. Finally, this app gives you various solution methods.

Brainly – Get Homework Answers

Brainly is a mobile app and web app that is for students by students. This application has solutions for different subjects, be it mathematics, English, Physics, and more. Brainly is available for iOS and Android smartphones.

You can either type your question or capture it via your camera. This mobile app lets you chat with tutors 24/7 or ask the brainly community. Currently, tutors available will help you solve mathematics and physics problems.

Therefore, go to your App Store or Playstore and download brainly today.

Khan Academy

Get detailed help from every question you upload on Khan Academy. This application is free and ensures that you get the best help when it comes to doing your homework. Apart from providing you with answers, you will get steps on how to solve similar problems in the question, future.

Khan Academy helps students solve problems in different subjects like finance, math, sciences, and more. Another benefit of using this app is that you will free practice questions with solutions in video or text. Thus, enabling you to learn more apart from doing your assignments only.

This application is available for Android and iOS devices.

Chegg Study – Homework Help

Don’t get stuck by your assignments; Chegg Study is here to help you solve such problems instantly. This homework help app is used by millions of students worldwide. So, become part of it and ensure you solve your problems.

 Chegg’s study has an extensive repository of questions and solutions in subjects like physics, business, chemistry, engineering, and more. Chegg Study will give you answers no matter how challenging the questions are, as you can get expert help from tutors 24/7.

Furthermore, you can hire a nerd for homework help. Suppose you don’t find the answer you are looking for in Chegg Study.


Do you own an iPhone, iPad, or Android smartphone? Then Slader is a homework application that you can consider downloading. Slader is a free app for students to get answers to homework questions.

Additionally, Slader accommodates all students. Whether you are a high school or college student, you will get answers to your questions. Currently, it has over three million problems and their solutions.

Also, it covers subjects like literature, sciences, and more. Slader is trustworthy as approved experts provide answers on a particular subject.

Studypool – Homework Help

Our next homework app is Studypool. As a student, you need a reliable homework app that will give you the correct answers and enable you to pass your assessments. Studypool is made for this purpose as it will provide you with quality help and ask tutors questions 24/7.

Furthermore, this app is for STEM and language homework help mostly. Therefore, if you are struggling to find support for science, technology, engineering, math, or English homework, download Studypool today.

The above subjects are the main, but you can find others like philosophy, accounting, sociology, economics, film, and more. Go to your App Store or Playstore and download Studypool.

Mathway – Scan & Solve Problems

Let not calculus, algebra, and other math problems give you a headache. This is because Mathway is an app that gives you step-by-step answers to different problems. Mathway simplifies challenging and hard-to-understand solutions to easy to comprehend.

This application is free for all students regardless of where they are. Apart from the app, you can access this platform using your tab, laptop, and PC. Thus, giving you a chance to access solutions even when you don’t have a mobile phone/.

Mathway is available for download on App Store and Google Playstore. Visit your store and install the app.

Answers – Homework Help & Question-Solving App

Answers are the final homework app to make your work easier for this guide. This is a homework help and question-solving app. Answers have more than one hundred million questions and answers on various subjects like physics, chemistry, math, biology, and more.

If you are having challenges getting answers to your homework questions, consider answers. This is because it is an ultimate problem solver that you should consider. Additionally, it is best for you who like to read ahead of the teacher. Answers have problems and solutions that will aid your learning apart from doing homework.

Download this app today on Google Playstore or App Store, or access it via the web platform.


Stop struggling with your assignments; you can use the above homework help apps. Additionally, you can hire a nerd for homework help. With these options, you will get expert help, enabling you to answer, excel in your assessments, and have good grades.

You only need to visit your app store and download one of these mobile apps today. Additionally, other apps have a web platform you can use if you cannot install the app. That’s all for today; if you have a question, feel free to leave a comment, and we will respond within the shortest time possible.

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